Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Developement of my Website

I have to say that my fear of creating and completing a website was defiantly abolished after I figured out how to work all of the particular tools that Google sites had to offer. Navigation through the website editing option was particularly very user friendly as I was able to easily pick and idea of what type of background would be applied. I was unsure of how to insert images and text without erasing it every time I leave a page so I backed up all of my writings by using Microsoft word. At first when I took a look at the requirements of what was needed for the website I noticed that we had to insert at least 1000 words in the site. At first I thought that this was a little too much to try to express my ideas, but as I started writing a became so interested in the subject of Geronimo that I soon became addicted to writing as much as I could to fulfill the history of his presence. Forgetting about the type of content to place into the site was a problem that I had ran into two weeks before the site was due. I guess starting earlier on the site gave me the opportunity to manipulate and add to the content that was previously placed into it so that I could increase accuracy as far as what rules to follow.
The pictures that were chosen for the site were carefully selected to display the seriousness of Geronimo character, since he was known to be one the most fierce Apache warriors of the western frontier. A black an white photo of Sherman Alexie was selected as well, which displayed him wearing his hair long and straight displaying his Native American decant in a fashionable and effective way. A “YouTube” clip was added as well that focused on the history of Geronimo and the Apache Indians so that visitors could have a slight break in monotony of not having to read all of the information pertaining to the focus of the website.
If I could change anything about the site it would be the ability to have more option when selecting a theme to the site. Though I am ok with the site itself as a whole, being able to change the background color to what ever I desired in a more user friendly way would be about the only option that I would change If I had created the Google Sites editing options. Again I feel as though a lot of hard work and effort went into this site to make sure that every aspect as far as giving visitors insight of who Geronimo was and what he accomplished in an easy and understandable way. I have to also remember the fact that this is my first Website that I had created and finished in a fairly short time period so perfection can not be expected as of yet.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Link to Geronimo Website:

Hey folks come check out my website @ http://sites.google.com/site/legacyofanapachewarrior/

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The strory that I chose to highlight on written by Sherman Alexie, was titled "Because My Father Always said He Was the Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix play 'The Star Spangled Banner' at Woodstock".This particular story expands on more details about the main character Victors father and his experiences in the 1960’s that were described to be very significant. The story begins by Victor describing his father to be a “hippie” present at a protest against the Vietnam War that took place in Spokane. The scene takes an abrupt turn towards violence as the demonstration transforms into an all out slug fest that leaves a National Security Guard severely injured and unconscious. Soon after the incident Victors father was imprisoned for two years for assault with a deadly weapon. In addition he was also said to have been published by the media for right before his initiation of physical violence. For instance, the author states, “…a photograph of my father demonstrating in Spokane, Washington, during the Vietnam War. The photograph made it into the wire service and was reprinted in the newspapers throughout the country. In fact, it was on the cover of TIME.”(Alexie pg 24) After imprisonment, Victors father attended a concert that the featured Jimi Hendrix playing his rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner”, which change his perspective of the world in a negative way. Victor describes his father to be an alcoholic that would continuously play the recording of the song each day while consuming alcoholic beverages until he passed out at the kitchen table. The relationship with his wife was said to be deteriorating throughout the story which eventually led to them becoming divorced. Victor’s mother explains to her son that society was the driving factor that lead to the divorce and the change in character in his father. A segment in the story reads, “On a reservation, Indian Men who abandon their children are treated worse than white father who do the same thing. It’s because white men have been doing that forever and Indian men have just learned how. That’s how assimilation can work.”(Alexie pg 34).

Friday, October 2, 2009

After reading the two articles about Jack Baurer’s character played by Kiefer Sautherland, I was not able to get over that fact that America would stoop so low as to even use torture as a method of punishment. I still remember the day as clear as yesterday when President Bush had announced the use of extreme interrogation methods were going to take place in the prison location of Guantanamo Bay. At fist just like any American at the time I felt as though this was a method that would be used to send a message to those who had intentions of harming U.S. citizens. But if we were to use these types of methods on a more long term bases the consequences may turn right around and bite us in the rear. First of all the show of 24 is not a built on real life events that had already occurred and are replayed for viewing purposes. Second we have to remember the show is fiction, and two take examples of the use of torture from a temporary television drama would make the country of America look like absolute morons in the end. Second the use of torture is not a morally just way of handling prison from other countries. It has been said that the use of torture was used on prisoners of Guantanamo Bay even if they were not guilty of terrorist act themselves.
Shortly After President Obama had stepped into Presidency he announced that the use of torture was an unjust and unmoral way dealing with prisoners associated with terrorism. A comedy by the name of “Harold A Kumard: Escape from Guantanamo Bay”, poked fun at the torture techniques used to deal with detainee of terrorism, but I reality this is not laughing matter. Many prisoners have already been released from Guantanamo Bay and are currently back in Afghanistan, plotting more effective and devastating attacks on our country. Was it a mistake to let these potentially lethal men go back to the country were we currently struggle to enforce efforts of peace. It may be , but the bottom line is why did we even enforce this policy to begin with if we didn’t think about the long term effects of these actions in the first place. It may be true that some of these torture methods were used and in fact saved many lives by exposing a potential plot to blow up a mall located in Ohio near Columbus, and many other potentially threatening terrorist plans. But, the use of homeland intelligence and the CIA agencies across the U.S. is another option that has to be upgraded and more heavily present during this day and age, which may take a way a little privacy, but may protect our country from major devastation. We can not rely on fictional television that exposes extreme violence and immorality towards one or many people to save others, besides we need to start trying to clean our image and start setting good examples for other countries in the world by using brains over brutality.